Use it or Lose it!
How often do you thing you have heard this statement over your life time? 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000....?????
So have you been following this simple advise?
Do you use your God given talents? Do you apply yourself in all aspects of your life?
At work, at school do you just get by with as little as possible? Or do you apply yourself to your fullest penitential? If you don't give 100% percent what may happen. You may lose your job to the other person who is Using It! At school you may not get that A, maybe you get a C instead, then you loose out on on that scholarship, that leads to the better college that leads to the better paying job.
Do you use your body the way it was made to be used? Do you have a job that you sit all day, that you stand in one place all day, that you do not move? Do you sit in school all day, never get out and move, take no gym class. Then do you go home and sit in front of the computer, the TV, sit on the couch and text your friends. If so you are loosing more then you know!
If you are one of these people why are you not out there exercising? Is it that you have aches and pains that prevent you from getting out there and Using IT! Are you not sure what exercises you should be doing? Are you tired when you get home from work, from school and have no energy to get out there and Use IT?
If so maybe we can help. Come in and see how Dr Skrien and Chiropractic Care can help you get out there and Use IT and Not Lose IT!