Can a Pregnant Woman Exercise?
a mother-to-be can participate in a fitness program that will keep her in good
shape for childbirth and healthier throughout her pregnancy. But because the
health and safety of both mother-to-be and her child must be guarded, it’s wise
to get the guidance of a health care expert, such as you chiropractor.
levels will fluctuate during pregnancy, and some women may find it takes more
work to achieve familiar results. It’s wise to limit activities somewhat: keep
heart rate below 140 beats per minute; maintain strenuous activity no more than
15 minutes at a time; avoid deep flexion or extension of joints; and take no
supine positions after the fourth month.
Experienced chiropractors usually recommend
walking instead of jogging. Cycling is good, but a stationary bike may be
better when balance becomes a problem. Swimming is an ideal exercise, as is
yoga. Skiing and ice skating present the danger of falls and should be avoided.
As always consult your Dr. before exercising.
Dr. Skrien
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