Monday, March 11, 2013

Headache with a Fancy Name

Dr. Skrien’s - Health Tip of the Week


A Bad Headache With A Fancy Name



            Many headaches are caused by damaged structures in the neck, the cervical section of the spine. Chiropractic has explained this for years and given the syndrome a name: the cervicogenic headache. The dysfunction may be caused by abnormal posture, herniated disc, even whiplash. Hand-on chiropractic adjustments are particularly effective in easing the discomfort, and the patient may be given rehabilitative exercises to restore range of motion and strength.


            What’s new in this equation is the recent interest of the medical community in the anatomy and physiology of the cervicogenic headache. Doctor/researchers in Australia, Canada, even Syracuse, New York, have said that “chiropractors were right.” Next, the North American Cervicogenic Headache Society, at is conference in March, will present a session on “manipulative therapy” for these headaches. As chiropractors and neurologist meet together, it seems the thinking has come full circle.


            See Dr. Skrien for the expert, hands on treatment that can restore proper spinal alignment and relieve the discomfort of these headaches.

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