Coronavirus 19 has just been named a Pandemic:
In 1918 an influenza pandemic swept the world. It sometimes pay to look back in history to help us in the present.
1918 Influenza Epidemic Records from Walter C. Rhodes, DC
“The Official History of Chiropractic in Texas,” by Walter C. Rhodes, DC, states chiropractic care came into its own during the 1918 influenza epidemic. The following statistics from his chiropractic records leave no doubt chiropractic care offers value for influenza and pandemic care.
“The 1917 - 1918 influenza epidemic swept silently across the world bringing death and fear to homes in every land. Disease and pestilence, especially the epidemics, are little understood even now and many of the factors that spread them are still mysterious shadows, but in 1917-1918 almost nothing was known about prevention, protection, treatment or cure of influenza. The whole world stood at its mercy, or lack of it.” “But out of that particular epidemic, the young science of chiropractic grew into a new measure of safety. "
“Statistics reflect a most amazing, almost miraculous state of affairs.
The medical profession was practically helpless with the flu victims but chiropractors seemed able to do no wrong.”
“In Davenport, Iowa, 50 medical doctors treated 4,953 cases, with 274 deaths. In the same city, 150 chiropractors including students and faculty of the Palmer School of Chiropractic, treated 1,635 cases with only one death.”
“In the state of Iowa, medical doctors treated 93,590 patients, with 6,116 deaths - a loss of one patient out of every 15. In the same state, excluding Davenport, 4,735 patients were treated by chiropractors with a loss of only 6 cases - a loss of one patient out of every 789.”
2 “National figures show that 1,142 chiropractors treated 46,394 patients for influenza during 1918, with a loss of 54 patients - one out of every 886.”
“Reports show that in New York City, during the influenza epidemic of 1918, out of every 10,000 cases medically treated, 950 died; and in every 10,000 pneumonia cases medically treated 6,400 died. These figures are exact, for in that city these are reportable diseases.”
“In the same epidemic, under drug-less methods, only 25 patients died of influenza out of every 10,000 cases; and only 100 patients died of pneumonia out of every 10,000 cases. This comparison is made more striking by the following table:”
Influenza Cases Deaths Under medical methods 10,000 950 Under drug-less methods 10,000 25 Pneumonia Cases Deaths Under medical methods 10,000 6,400 Under drug-less methods 10,000 100
“In the same epidemic reports show that chiropractors in Oklahoma treated 3,490 cases of influenza with only 7 deaths. But the best part of this is, in Oklahoma there is a clear record showing that chiropractors were called in 233 cases where medical doctors had cared for the patients, and finally gave them up as lost. The chiropractors saved all these lost cases but 25.”
“And when interviews of the old timers are made it is evident that each still vividly remembers the 1917-1918 influenza epidemic. We now know about 20 million persons [recent estimates are as high as 100 million deaths] around the world died of the flu with about 500,000 Americans among that number. But most chiropractors and their patients were miraculously spared and we repeatedly hear about those decisions to become a chiropractor after a remarkable recovery or when a close family member given up for dead suddenly came back to vibrant health.”
When I started studies at Palmer College of Chiropractic I had personally meet doctors of chiropractic who had been thrown in jail for practicing chiropractic care without a license. Because of this pandemic Chiropractic was able to show that they were distinct and different from Medical care. This enabled the profession of Chiropractic to get their own license to practice health care under a Doctor of Chiropractic license in many states.
Dr. Skrien's Comments:
In 27 years of practice I have seen how the human body has the ability express health when allowed to. Chiropractic care has always been about allowing your body run at its top innate ability. By having a nervous system running without interference your body can respond to the stresses on your health. The nervous system controls all functions of the body.
Chiropractic has always been about maximizing the function of the body. The healthier your nervous system is the healthier you are.So when looking back in history is it not eye opening when the most deadly flu ever happened people did not find relief from a shot or toxic medication.
Doesn’t it make sense to keep the nerve that control your immune system free and clear of interference? So doesn’t it make sense to do everything you can to get their body functioning better with chiropractic care and a healthy lifestyle?
So instead of waiting for symptom of illness show up doesn't it make sense to have your nervous system working at it best potential.
If you would like a free assessment to see if chiropractic care can help you and your family give us a call. 507-344-8300

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